Wolfie getting free games from somewhere. Find the full url to that game. Note: Use the same file provided in Wolfie's Contacts Flag Format: darkCTF{http://site}
Using the same file from Wolfie's contacts, I searched for the string http://
in autopsy.
There were a few results but one was a .zip so I assumed this was the game.
Wolfie is doing some illegal work with his friends find his contacts.
Opening the file in autopsy, we can see some emails. In the headings of some, you could see parts of the flag.
Alternatively, this challenge could be done by opening the file in mousepad and ctrl + F searching for 'darkctf{'
"Hello, hello, Can you hear me, as I scream your Flag! "
Opening the file in sonic visualiser, you can see two audio streams. Seaparete the streams and then add a spectogram layer. Play around with the colour settings to see the flag more clearly.